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Assessing Students' Mathematical Reasoning in Problem-Based Learning: A Gender Perspective

Menilai Penalaran Matematis Siswa dalam Problem-Based Learning: Perspektif studi Gender




gender, mathematical reasoning, problem-based learning, problem-solving


Mathematical reasoning (MR) in problem-solving is still relatively low but is needed by students. Previous studies have shown that problem-based learning (PBL) can improve MR. Differences in MR are also influenced by gender. This study assesses students’ MR in implementing PBL by reviewing students’ perspectives on gender differences. The study participants were fifth[1]grade primary school students, with the determination of subjects through purposive techniques. This study design uses an explanatory sequential mixed method. Instruments such as tests, questionnaires, and interviews were used to collect data. Data analysis used Wilcoxon signed rank test and descriptive analysis. The study found that MR varied among students of different genders (masculine, feminine, and neutral) in the implication of PBL. Another finding is that students’ MR is inadequate in generalizing the statement. The impact of these findings provides preliminary findings regarding the differences in MR of students gender differences during the implication of PBL.


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