DOI of the published article
Sadfishing: Netnographic Study of Content with the Hashtag #rumahkokkayu on Tiktok
Sadfishing : Studi Netnografi pada Konten dengan Tagar #rumahkokkayu di Tiktok
Cultural Communication, Netnography, Sadfishing, TikTokAbstract
Recently, content has been found on TikTok where people share their sad stories in the form of music videos. This phenomenon is called sadfishing, which involves fishing for sympathy from others on social media by provoking sadness. This research aims to examine the viral hashtag #rumahkokkayu on TikTok as an initial trigger for the occurrence of sadfishing and to observe the dramatization that emerges from the communication culture surrounding the posts under the #rumahkokkayu hashtag on TikTok. The research utilizes dramatism theory. It is a qualitative study employing netnography as the research method to investigate the communication culture regarding online interactions. Netnography involves four stages: the first stage is investigation, which includes data search, sorting, and archiving; the second stage is interaction; the third stage is note-taking, and the fourth stage is interpretation.
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