Learning Nahwu and Sharaf via WhatsApp at the Islamic and Arabic Learning Foundation (BISA) Depok
Pembelajaran Nahwu dan Sharaf Melalui WhatsApp di Yayasan Belajar Islam dan Bahasa Arab (BISA) Depok
Nahwu, Sharaf, WhatsAppAbstract
This research was carried out with the aim of decrypting the process of implementation of nahwu and sharaf learning through WhatsApp at the BISA Foundation, and to find out the factors that support and hinder the course of the process. The research method applied is qualitative. Data collection is done through interviews, observations, and documentation. Data analysis uses data reduction techniques, data display, and conclusion drawings. The findings from the research show that the implementation of nahwu and sharaf learning at the BISA Foundation consists of three phases, namely planning, implementation, and evaluation. As for supporting factors such as facilitating the system, time span, delayed thinking, easy and structured explanation, often giving about practice, and using easy-to-understand methods, and inhibiting factors like: inadequate thinking, lack of intention, and too much material delivered.
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