Hybrid System Prototype for Dam Water Level Control System to Irigatting Rice Fields
Prototipe Sistem Kontrol Ketinggian Air Bendungan untuk Mengairi Sawah dengan Sistem Hybrid
Automatic Dam, Blynk, ESP 32, Dam Warning System, NodeMCU 8266Abstract
The project addresses agricultural crop failure due to uncontrolled flooding, particularly during the rainy season. Crop failure not only hinders farmers' ability to sell their harvests but also reduces rice prices, impacting consumer demand. The project's goal is to develop a hybrid dam water level control system for rice field irrigation. It integrates an ESP32 monitoring unit, NodeMCU 8266 controller, and Blynk user interface. The ESP32 manages servo motor 1, controlling water flow through the dam entrance, and uses an I2C LCD to track water levels, notifying users with a bell. The NodeMCU 8266 connects to an ultrasonic sensor for water level data transmission. Adjustable limits allow manual control of Servo motor 2 via the Blynk app. Tests confirm the system's efficacy in tool connection, configuration, and warning setup. The microcontroller technology ensures user-friendly system operation, providing a comprehensive solution to mitigate crop failure in flooded conditions.
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