Analysis of the Indonesian-Arabic Dictionary by Mahmud Yunus
Analisis Kamus Arab-Indonesia Karya Mahmud Yunus
Analysis, Component of Dictionary, Mahmud Yunus DictionaryAbstract
An ideal dictionary is a dictionary that has dictionary components that have been determined by dictionary experts. This research aims to determine the completeness of the components of the Arabic-Indonesian dictionary by Mahmud Yunus from the perspective of Dr. Ali Al-Qasimy. This research is library research. The data source was obtained from the Arabic-Indonesian Dictionary by Mahmud Yunus using documentation techniques as the data collection techique. Meanwhile, the data analysis technique uses content analysis techniques. The results of this research indicate that the Arabic-Indonesian dictionary by Mahmud Yunus has 17 of the 25 component points for completeness of the dictionary by Dr. Ali Al-Qasimy and then, this dictionary can be called an ideal dictionary because it has a dictionary completeness component according to Dr. Ali Al-Qasimy
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