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Exploration of Indonesian Culture: Udeng Pacul Gowang and Eco Print Batik Workshop with Universiti Malaya Students

Eksplorasi Budaya Indonesia: Workshop Udeng Pacul Gowang dan Batik Eco Print dengan Mahasiswa Universiti Malaya




- Society Era 5.0, local wisdom, udeng pacul gowang


Indonesia is facing the era of society 5.0, of course there are sociological impacts that can threaten the identity of the Indonesian nation. One of the urgencies related to strengthening national identity in facing society 5.0 is to maintain local wisdom. Wisdom has the potential to provide solutions in dealing with existing social and cultural problems. Sidoarjo is one of the most MSME cities in Indonesia, has a variety of rich local wisdom culture, one of which is udeng. Udeng is commonly used to cover the head during ceremonies or cultural festivals by employees or state officials in Sidoarjo. The research method used 3 stages in the workshop activities, namely introduction, implementation and closing. By holding the workshop, students of the University of Malaya gained cultural knowledge of local wisdom in terms of education and economy.

Keywords - Era society 5.0; Local wisdom of Sidoarjo; Udeng pacul gowang



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