Comparison Analysis of Marketing Strategies Using Social Network Analysis on the Shopee and Bukalapak Marketplaces on Twitter Social Media
Analisis Perbandingan Strategi Pemasaran Menggunakan Sosial Network Analysis pada Marketplace Shopee dan Bukalapak di Media Sosial Twitter
promotion, price, Free Shipping, Marketing StrategyAbstract
This study explores the differences in marketing strategies between Shopee and Bukalapak, focusing on promotional content, pricing, and free shipping offers. Using a qualitative approach with Social Network Analysis (SNA) and Big Data, the research examines Twitter user interactions on both platforms. The primary data sources are official websites and Twitter analyses. The research object involves the relationships among Twitter users engaged in shopping activities. The methodology includes web crawling, targeting active users on Shopee and Bukalapak. By analyzing network properties of promotional content, pricing, and free shipping offers from 2020-2021 to 2021-2022, the study finds that free shipping offers in 2021-2022 have a positive impact, building a positive consumer image and triggering public discussions.
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