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The Use of the Atumics Method for the Development of Designs for Women's Leather Bags

Penggunaan Metode Atumics Guna Pengembangan Desain Tas Wanita Berbahan Kulit




ATUMICS, Design, Leather bags


Leather bag is one of industry products that are widely found among the public.  The problem of leather bags that tends to be monotonous and plain certainly makes production of this industry need an innovation and new ideas related to the design of the skin bag. The purpose of this study is to create a new innovation in making leather bags with the addition of printing batik design in order to look more modern than the previous existing products. Research is carried out using the ATUMICS method which is a method of regulating, combinations, integration, or mixed between basic elements of tradition with modernity. The results in this study mention that there is additional Priting batik design in the creation of leather bags making the feasibility score of a product made with an average of 75-100% against the enthusiasts of leather bag products with a batik printing design.


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