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Environmental Accounting as a Form of Social Responsibility in CV. Royal Super Feed

Akuntansi Lingkungan Sebagai Bentuk Tanggung Jawab Sosial Pada CV. Royal Super Feed




Corporate Social Responsibility, environmental cost, environmental accounting


This study aims to determine the application of environmental accounting in CV. as one form of social responsibility. So far the existence of the company is only considered as an advantage to create jobs for the surrounding community. But besides that the existence of the company also cause negative impacts. This social problem raises hopes for companies to apply environmental accounting as a strategy in environmental and business development policies. Objects studied are environmental accounting and corporate environmental policy in protecting the environment around the company from various problems of environmental damage as well as waste pollution. And CSR programs undertaken by companies to meet the welfare of society and the environment. This research approach using qualitative approach. The results obtained based on observations, interviews and documentation as a whole are the incidence of environmental costs in the company that is the cost of waste and the cost of donation



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