Prototype of Moisture Content Meter in Grain Using Esp32 Based on Spreadsheet
Prototipe Alat Pengukur Kadar Air Pada Gabah Menggunakan Esp32 Berbasis Spreadsheet
Grain, Moisture Content, Soil Moisture Capacitive Sensor, Monitoring, Google SpreadsheetAbstract
Following harvesting, the rice is removed from the stalk and referred to as grain, which will then be dried. To decide whether the grain is suitable for processing and the quality of the water content of the grain, users must measure the water content of the grain. An effective and efficient measurement and database storage tool is required. Research and Development approach was employed in this study. In this experiment, a Google spreadsheet was used as the database storage and a capacitive soil moisture sensor. To determine whether the capacitive soil moisture sensor functions correctly and precisely, it is also calibrated using traditional measurement tools. The test results indicate that every component functions as intended and displays an error number of less than 1. The sample reading data will be uploaded to a Google spreadsheet database, enabling users to view the data records in real time and in detail.
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