Making a Magnet Generator From a Used Water Pump With Variations in The Number of Coil Pole on The Stator
Pembuatan Generator Magnet Dari Pompa Air Bekas Dengan Variasi Jumlah Kutub Kumparan Pada Stator
Electrical Energy, Permanent magnet Generator, Synchronous GeneratorAbstract
A generator is a machine that can convert motion energy into electrical energy. Nowadays, the need for electrical energy in Indonesia is increasing. This electricity crisis has long been a problem and has long been predicted by many energy experts in Indonesia. Energy needs can increase gradually, both in terms of capacity and in terms of distribution demands. To overcome electricity needs, new energy sources are needed that can meet increasing electricity needs. In this research, the main material is a used water pump, then modifications are carried out by installing an N52 neodymium magnet measuring 40 x 10 x 2 mm on the water pump rotor and modifying the number of coil poles with variations of 8 coil poles, 10 coil poles, and 12 coil poles. water pump stator. Then the generator was tested using a no-load test and a load test using a 5 watt lamp.
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