Risk Analysis in Sandwich Panel Production with The Integration of FMEA and FTA Methods
Analisis Resiko pada Produksi Sandwich Panel dengan Integrasi Metode FMEA dan FTA
Panel Sandwich, Failure Mode And Effect Analysis (FMEA), Fault Tree Analysis (FTA), Quality ImprovementAbstract
Improving product quality is one of the most important things in maintaining a significant selling point in all companies, one of which is PT. Starr Panel Industry engaged in manufacturing. PT. Starr Panel Industri is a company engaged in the refrigeration sector by specializing in the manufacture of sandwich panels and prioritizing the quality of raw materials. FMEA and FTA methods are very appropriate to be used to analyze the risk of failure that occurs and provide maximum improvement suggestions to improve quality. This study shows that the causes of failure originate from the decoiler, roll forming, PU injection, cutting, finishing. The highest RPN value in the finishing process. Based on the results of this study, it is known that the root of the problem in the finishing process is that workers do not understand the company's SOP.
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