Spreadsheet Based Automatic Print Cost Calculator
Penghitung Biaya Print Otomatis Berbasis Spreadsheet
Google Spreadsheet, ESP32, Implementation of infrared sensors, color sensor tcs3200Abstract
Production Cost Calculation Is a Crucial Factor That Impacts Productivity And Profitability In The Printing Industry. This
Study Presents An Automatic Print Costing Tool That Runs On a Spreadsheet And is Intended To Increase Operational
Efficiency And Calculation Accuracy in Small And Medium-Sized Printing Enterprises (SMEs). With The Use Of Esp32
As a Microcontroller, TCS3200 And Infrared Sensors, This Project Seeks To Create An Automated Print Pricing Spreadsheet
That Would Help Printing SMEs Swiftly And Precisely Determine Product Prices.
To Show The Cost Computation Findings, an Infrared Sensor To Identify The Number Of Printed Sheets, a TCS3200 Sensor
To Determine Whether or Not Colored Paper Is Present, And a Push Button Feature to Resume The Calculation And Upload
The Entire Cost To The Spreadsheet. This Strategy Should Decrease Calculation Errors
And Increase Manufacturing Cost Management Effectiveness.
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