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The Organic Waste Weight Control System on Fuzzy Based Organic Waste Shredding Machine

Sistem Pengendali Berat Sampah Organik Pada Mesin Pencacah Sampah Organik Berbasis Fuzzy




fuzzy, loadcell, sampah organik, motor servo, motor ac


Waste from rubbish is a problem that is considered serious for the environment, because rubbish is a material that can be filled with bacteria. So a shredding machine is needed to recycle. For this we need a breakthrough, one of which is creating a shredding machine with a driving force in the form of an electric motor. The method used to create this shredding machine automation is R&D which uses Arduino as a microcontroller based on Mamdani model fuzzyfication, fuzzyfication which The motor will work for a long time as a motor protector so that there is no overload or overload which causes the motor to burn out quickly, the load cell will measure the weight of organic waste which will send a load signal when the waste enters the weighing room, then the AC motor as the driving force will rotate accordingly.


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