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The Influence of Work Conflict, Work Stress and Compensation on Employee Job Satisfactioniat PT Otsuka Distribution Indonesia in the Pandemic Era

Pengaruh Konflik kerja, Stres kerja dan Kompensasi terhadap Kepuasan Kerja Karyawan pada PT Otsuka Distribusi Indonesia di Era Pandemi




Conflict of Work, Work Stress, Compensation, Job Satisfaction


This Study have a purpose For give an example, knowledge, understanding, and testing about the conflict of work, stress of work, and compensation for job satisfaction in PT Otsuka Indonesia Distribution. The sampling technique uses a purposive sample totaling 101 subject to fill out the questionary through paper to respondent . Data analysis technique is quantitative statistical with descriptive method and Linkert Scale. Test hypothesis with use tool help program SPSS. Research results this show that conflict of work can decrease job satisfaction and stress of work and compensation can being an effect for job satisfaction.



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