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The Influence of Transactional Leadership, Competence, Job Satisfaction on Employee Performance with Reward as an Intervening Variable at PT City Neonindo Indah Murni Sidoarjo

Pengaruh Kepemimpinan Transaksional, Kompetensi, Kepuasan Kerja terhadap Kinerja Karyawan Dengan Reward sebagai Variabel Intervening pada PT City Neonindo Indah Murni Sidoarjo




Competence, Job Satisfaction, Employee Performance, Reward, Transactional Leadership Style


Human resources are a key factor in an organization or company. Human resource management based on the company's vision and mission is crucial. Transactional leadership plays a role in employee satisfaction at PT City Neonindo Indah Murni. Fair and transparent leadership can boost motivation and overall company performance. This research uses a descriptive quantitative method with 100 employees from PT City Neonindo Indah Murni Sidoarjo as the sample. The results indicate that rewards mediate the relationship between transactional leadership, competence, job satisfaction, and employee performance. Management should consider strategies for reward management, improving employee competence, and enhancing job satisfaction to support employee performance, despite the limitations of this study that need to be considered in a practical context.



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