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Big Book of Transportation

Buku Besar tentang Transportasi




Big Book, Design, Learning Media


Big Book is a media product designed to enhance shared reading between teachers and students. Key features of this Big Book include unique pictures, repeated new vocabulary, a familiar storyline, and simple grammar patterns. It can be assembled by anyone using supplies such as pencils, drawing books, markers, crayons, and binder clips. This product benefits English language learning by providing teachers and students with imaginative and innovative resources. Big Book is titled “Transportation on land, air, and sea” and consist of 10 pages with each page focusing on a different category of transportation. The purpose of using Big Book is to help students understand the content of the story through clear pictures. The advantages of using Big Book include increased motivation, confidence, ease, pleasure in learning, and formation of new learning habits. Overall, Big Book is a useful tool for identifying words in the environment and supporting group learning activities.


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