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The Effect of the Proportion of White Oyster Mushrooms (Pleurotus ostreatus), Beef with Ice Crystals on the Characteristics of Meatballs

Pengaruh Proporsi Jamur Tiram Putih (Pleurotus ostreatus), Daging Sapi dengan Es Kristal terhadap Karakteristik Bakso




White Oyster Mushroom, Beef, Ice Cube


This research aims to determine the effect of the proportion of white oyster mushrooms (Pleurotus ostreatus) and beef on the characteristics of meatballs and to determine the effect of ice crystals on the characteristics of meatballs. The method used in this research was a factorial Randomized Block Design (RAK) The results obtained were that  The best treatment is meatballs and oyster mushrooms with crystal ice with T1K1 treatment (100% beef with crystal ice) which gives a value of 0.169% which shows a water content of 0.46%, ash content of 0.33%, fat content of 0.50% , protein 0.33%, carbohydrates 0.50%, physical analysis of texture 0.665N, physical analysis of color L* (Lightness) 0.617, physical analysis of color a* (Redness) 0.667, physical analysis of color b* (Yellowness) 0.399, organoleptic color 3.97, taste organoleptic 4.43, and texture organoleptic 3.93.


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