Implementation of the Naïve Bayes Algorithm on the Demography of Gresik District To Measure Election Participation
Implementasi Algoritma Naïve Bayes pada Demografi Kabupaten Gresik untuk Mengukur Partisipasi Pemilu
data mining, Demographics, Election, Naive Bayes, abstainAbstract
In 1995 Indonesia held elections for the first time. In some countries, elections themselves are a way to influence decisions on how a country can be governed. However, elections themselves cannot be separated from the politics of bribery because there is a lot of competition in the political world for power. In the 2014 Presidential Election, based on KPU data, 30.42% were registered as Golput voters, namely citizens who did not exercise their right to vote during the election. The size of the election results greatly influences several factors. Like the problem that will be discussed this time, there are 3,738 data that will be processed using the Naïve Bayes method in Implementing the Demography of Gresik Regency with the highest accuracy of 62.84% which is later expected to measure election participation and become an example of improving electoral rights.
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