Implementation of the Fuzzy Tsukamoto Method to Early Detection Types of Gastric Diseases
Implementasi Metode Fuzzy Tsukamoto untuk Mendeteksi Dini Jenis Penyakit pada Lambung
Fuzzy Tsukamoto, Penyakit Lambung, Sistem PakarAbstract
The stomach is a vital organ in the human digestive system. Gastric diseases are significant health issues and often underestimated. Stomach ailments can be caused by factors like poor dietary habits, stress, and bacterial inections. Initial sysmptoms of stomach diseases can be confusing due to their similarity with other stomach conditions, making accurate diagnosis crucial. In efforts to improve thr diagnostic process for stomch diseases, the use of expert systems in the field of medicine is becoming increasingly important. Expert system are computer programs copable of mimicking an expert’s ability to analyze sysmtoms. With expert systems, patients and doctors can obtain more accurate information about diseases based on experienced symptomps, facilitating early treatment. This system can facilitate the general public in identifying what disease they are suffering from by consulting through an expert system using the fuzzy tsukamoto method.
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