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Website Based Laundry Service Information System Application at Blue Laundry

Aplikasi Sistem Informasi Pelayanan Jasa Laundry Berbasis Website Pada Blue Laundry




Information System, Laundry, Website


 Blue Laundry Store is one of the industry players who is migrating towards using technology in its operations. Management still uses a manual system, making the Blue Laundry Shop overcome difficulties in the data recording process, resulting in errors in data processing and the possibility of data loss. This development uses the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) methodology with modeling using Waterfall. In addition, testing using the SUS method produced a final score of 85.2 which is within the acceptance range of "acceptable." Thus, it can be concluded that this system is suitable for use and can be accepted by users. The result of this research is a web-based application which is expected to be useful as an assistive medium in laundry services at the Blue Laundry Shop. So it can reduce errors in data recording and provide a data preparation system that is easy to manage.


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