Monitoring of Ammonia Levels and IoT-Based Aerator Control in Catfish
Monitoring Kadar Amonia dan Pengendalian Aerator Berbasis IoT pada Ikan Lele
Amonia, Blynk, Catfish, MQ-135Abstract
Water quality is a crucial aspect of fish farming, and one of the waste products generated in catfish farming is ammonia. Ammonia originates from the metabolic waste of fish, such as dissolved feces and unconsumed food, which accumulate at the bottom of the pond. This research aims to develop an ammonia monitoring device using the MQ-135 gas sensor as its primary component. The monitoring device comprises a sensor module and an Android application powered by Blynk. When ammonia levels exceed a certain threshold, it triggers alerts or warnings indicating poor water conditions, and the aerator is activated to increase oxygen levels in the water, thereby reducing dissolved ammonia. Conversely, if ammonia levels drop too low, the Blynk module sends notifications to a mobile device via the Blynk application.
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