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The Benefit of Otago Exercise Programme on Reducing Risk of Falling in the Eldrly Eith Knee Ostheoarthritis

Manfaat Pemberian Otago Exercise Programme terhadap Penurunan Resiko Jatuh pada Lansia dengan Osteoarthritis Knee




Otago Exerciselderly, Fall Risk, Elderly, Knee Osteoarthritis


The Otago Exercise Program Is an Exercise That Can Be Given to Osteoarthritis Sufferers and the Elderly. This Research Uses Descriptive Analytical Methods With Pre-Test and Post-Test. To Identify the Benefits of Providing the Otago Exercise Program 2 Times a Week for 6 Weeks in Reducing the Risk of Falls in Elderly People With Knee Osteoarteritis. Measuring the Risk of Falling Using the Timed up and Go Test. The Research Obtained a Pre-Test Week With a Value of 22 Seconds, Namely a High Risk of Falling, and a Post-Test of 19 Seconds in the 6th Week, a Light Risk of Falling. There Was a Change in the Difference in the Value of the Timed up and Go Test in the First Week and the 6th Week. The Conclusion Is That the Otago Exercise Program Has the Benefit of Reducing the Risk of Falls in Elderly People With Knee Osteoarthritis.


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