Designs of Conveyance for the Process of Launching a Ship Made of Aluminium With a Capacity of 5 Tons
Perancangan Alat Angkut untuk Proses Launching Kapal Berbahan Dasar Aluminium Kapasitas 5 Ton
Launching, Boat, SimulationAbstract
Many small aluminium-based ship industries use forklift to lift ships to trucks and then deliver them to the launching site. This process takes a lot of time because forklift rentals have to take turns and take a lot of time. Design uses the Boothroyd method by making a morphological chart table from concept drawings and reference drawings. Component planning consists of bearing planning by calculating the realiability of 95% bearing life. Shaft planning, namely determining the diameter of the shaft. Simulation experiments were carried out for 3 processes, namely: Stress, Change of From (Displacement), and Pressure the results obtained are the greatest stress of 8.37 KN/m^26, deformation of 1.7 mm, pressure of 8.42 KN/m^2. After getting the simulation data, calculations are then carried out to find the value of the factor of safety (FOS). The results obtained are the FOS value of .14
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