Liability of the Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) for Ekstream Weather Forecast Errors for the Safety of Aviation Activities
Pertanggungjawaban Badan Meteorologi Klimatologi dan Geofisika (BMKG) terhadap Kesalahan Prakiraan Cuaca Ekstream bagi Keselamatan Aktivitas Penerbangan
Weather Forecast, BMKG, AccountabilityAbstract
This research aims to analyze the BMKG's liability for errors in delivering extreme weather forecasts for the safety of aviation activities. This research uses a normative juridical method with a statutory approach. The results of this study show that the BMKG's responsibility for errors in delivering extreme weather forecasts for the safety of aviation activities can be pursued through the Ombudsman and the District Court. Dispute settlement through the Ombudsman can be carried out if the services provided by BMKG employees in conveying weather conditions to the public are not in accordance with their obligations as public servants. Meanwhile, dispute resolution through the District Court can be pursued if there is a loss caused as a result of the weather notification, and the BMKG must prove in court that this is beyond the BMKG's ability.
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