Frida Framework Implementation for Workflow Manipulation in Android Applications
Implementasi Frida Framework untuk Manipulasi Alur Kerja pada Aplikasi Android
Root, Android Devices, Frida Framework, Dynamic Instrumentation Framework, Android Device SecurityAbstract
Enhancing security on Android devices has posed challenges for security researchers. Root bypass is a commonly employed method to evade detection by security mechanisms. In this research, the author explains the utilization of Frida, a dynamic instrumentation framework, for performing root bypass on Android devices. By leveraging Frida's capabilities for runtime code interception and modification, the author can alter the behavior of applications attempting to detect root presence. A series of experiments were conducted using Frida, successfully by passing common root detection mechanisms. The results demonstrate Frida's potential as an effective tool for root bypass and security testing on Android devices. This research provides further insights into the use of Frida in the context of Android device security
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