The Social Suport With Flow Academic ( FA) Semester 4 Students Of FMIPA Biology University Lampung.
Dukungan Sosial Dengan Flow Akademik (FA) Pada Mahasiswa Semester 4 Jurusan FMIPA Biologi Universitas Lampung.
Flow academic , social support, student.Abstract
This research was conducted based on the findings of the problem phenomenon where students majoring in Biology at the University of Lampung tend to be less focused on lecture activities in class, more busy using gadgets during lectures, and less desire to complete practicum reports. social support and the academic flow of students in Biology FMIPA, University of Lampung. This research is a correlational quantitative research. Data collection was carried out using 2 psychological scales.The data analysis used a correlation test using the SPSS 25.0 for windows program. The results of the analysis show a correlation coefficient of r= 0.265 (sig. 0.019<0.05), which indicates the hypothesis is accepted. significant positive relationship between social support and academic flow in semester 4 students for the 2021-2022 academic year, the Biology Department, FMIPA, University of Lampung.
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