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Analysis of Social Media Strategy on Twitter by PT.PAL Indonesia (Persero)

Analisis Strategi Media Sosial Twiter PT.PAL Indonesia (Persero)




Social Media, Twitter, Company Image and Reputation


In this rapidly evolving internet era, social media has become a useful tool for businesses to enhance their company's image and reputation. PT.PAL Indonesia is a leading shipbuilding and shipyard company in Indonesia. PT.PAL utilizes social media, including Twitter, as their primary communication tool in their efforts to expand their reach. The objective of this research is to investigate the utilization of social media, specifically Twitter, by PT.PAL Indonesia. The researcher employed qualitative research methods with data collection techniques such as interviews and observations. During the interview process, the researcher interviewed several key informants from the Public Relations department of PT.PAL Indonesia who are responsible for the company's social media publications on Twitter. Additionally,data was collected from primary sources which included PT.PAL's official Twitter account.The findings of this research indicate that PT.PAL Indonesia actively uses Twitter to increase the company's visibility and raise brand awareness within society.


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