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Web Based Leave Management System (Case Study of PT Java Pacific)

Sistem Manajemen Cuti Berbasis Web (Studi Kasus PT Java Pasific)




Information System, Leave, RAD


Web-based leave management system is an application designed and developed to assist companies or organizations in managing the process of submitting, approving, and tracking employee leave efficiently through a web platform. The system leverages web and database technologies to provide users with an easy-to-use interface. In this system, employees can apply for leave through the provided web portal. They will be asked to enter information such as leave dates, and reasons for leave. The method used in the development of this website-based leave application information system uses the RAD (Rapid Application Development) method. because it suits the need to do fast application development and has clear needs. The results obtained in this study are a leave management system that can facilitate reporting of monitoring data in applying for leave.


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