Elementary School Students in Posing Word Problems in Structured Situations
Siswa Sekolah Dasar dalam Mengajukan Word Problems pada Situasi Terstruktur
Problem Posing, Strategy, Word ProblemsAbstract
This study aims to classify elementary school students' strategies in posing word problems in structured situations. Problem posing is very important in education, especially in the field of mathematics, because it can train students' higher order thinking skills. The type of research used is a case study on 19 fifth grade students in an elementary school in Sidoarjo district. Data collection techniques used problem-submission tests and interviews. Data analysis techniques consist of data reduction, data presentation, and verification. This study found two strategies used by elementary school students in proposing problems, namely reconstruction and imitation. Students cannot propose problems with complex strategies as used by Stoyanova (2005). That is because students are still the first time getting learning based on posing problems, students tend to only solve problems. The results of this study suggest to educators how to design classes that can teach students more complex strategies in posing problems.
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