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The Effect of Analogy Learning Through Selective Problem Solving (SPS) on Learning Outcomes of Area Measurement in Elementary School

Pengaruh Pembelajaran Analogi Melalui Selective Problem Solving (SPS) terhadap Hasil Belajar Pengukuran Luas di Sekolah Dasar




Analogy, Problem Solving, Area


This study aims to identify the effect of analogy learning through Selective Problem Solving (SPS) on learning outcomes in area measurement material. This research uses a quantitative approach with experimental research type and uses one-shot case study design. The research subjects were fifth grade elementary school as many as 25 students in mathematics learning materials. Selection of research subjects using saturated sampling technique. Data collection techniques using tests. Data analysis consists of descriptive statistics, validity, reliability, normality testing, t-test. The research instrument is a test consisting of source problems and target problems. The results of learning analogies through SPS obtained are 0.90 <0.05, which shows that SPS-based analogies learning has an impact on students' thinking skills.  The effect of student learning outcomes in this analogy learning is that students are able to think more creatively and make it easier for students to find concepts that will solve problems.


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