The Effect of Problem Based Learning on the Ecoliteracy Ability of Grade VII Junior High School Students
Pengaruh Problem Based Learning terhadap Kemampuan Ekoliterasi Siswa SMP Kelas VII
Problem Based Learning, EcoliteracyAbstract
The purpose of this study was to determine effect of problem-based on the ecoliteracy abilities of grade VII junior high school students. This research is a quantitative research with the type of quasi-experimental research using the non-equivalent control group design. The population consisted of all class VII students using a non-random assignment technique, namely 40 students in experimental and control classes. The research instrument is in the form of questions with ecoliteracy indicators. The data analysis technique using T test or t-test obtained a result in the experimental class of 0.090 while the control class obtained a result of 0.270. These results indicate that the value of p - value > α so that it can be interpreted that there is no effect on the two classes. So it was concluded that there was no effect of Problem Based Learning on ecoliteracy abilities of grade VII junior high school students.
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