The Effect Of Work Life Balance, Self Efficacy And Social Support On Burnout In Students Working
Pengaruh Work Life Balance, Self Efficacy Dan Dukungan Sosial Terhadap Burnout Pada Mahasiswa Bekerja
Work Life Balance, Self Efficacy, Social Support, BurnoutAbstract
Education is one of the means to improve human resources and advance the country. The quality of education really says a lot about a country. The population in this study were 350 students of management study program batch 2020 at Muhammadiyah University. In taking the sample, this study used a random sampling technique by taking 187 students. The research data consists of primary data obtained from distributing questionnaires to respondents. This data analysis uses multiple linear regression with the help of SPSS software. The results of research conducted based on the results of multiple linear regression test calculations show that work life balance, self-efficacy and social support have a significant positive effect on burnout.
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