Strategy To Increase Technological Sophistication To Increase Helmet Productivity With Technometric Methods And 5W1H
Strategi Peningkatan Kecanggihan Teknologi Untuk Meningkatkan Produktivitas Helm Dengan Menggunakan Metode Teknometrik dan 5W1H
Technological Sophistication, Technological Components, Technometrics, 5W1HAbstract
In the production process that has increased, oftentimes market demand has decreased by 40% which usually can deliver 100 addresses every day, down to 60 addresses every day. So it is necessary to conduct a technology assessment in the helmet production process to determine the value of each technology component index. The technometric approach will aassess the level of sophistication of each technology component, namely technoware, humanware, infoware, and orgaware then formulate aproposwd strategy using 5w1h analysis. The results of this study produce a value for the level of sophistication of the technological component, namely technoware is worth 0,645, humanware is worth 0,796, infoware is worth 0,696, orgaware is worth 0,851 and a TCC value is 0,715. From the results of the collection and processing, results are obtained that will become suggestions for improvement and can become the concern and evaluation of UMKM in increasing productivity.
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