Investment Opportunity Set as a Moderation of the Effect of Sustainability Report, Capital Structure, and Cash Flow Volatility on Company Value
Investment Opportunity Set sebagai Pemoderasi Pengaruh Sustainability Report, Struktur Modal, dan Volatilitas Arus Kas pada Nilai Perusahaan
Sustainability Report, Capital Structure, Cash Flow Volatility, Company Value, Investment Opportunity SetAbstract
This study aims to determine the effect of sustainability report, capital structure and cash flow volatility on company value with investment opportunity set as moderating variable. The samples in this study were taken by purposive sampling method on mining sector companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange for the period 2018 – 2021. The number of samples used was 13 companies. The analysis method used are multiple linear regression and Moderate Regression Analysis (MRA) using SPSS 26 application. The results of this study indicate that sustainability report has a positive effect on company value while capital structure and cash flow volatility have no effect on company value. Meanwhile, investment opportunity set had been able to moderate the effect of sustainability reports, capital structure and cash flow volatility on company value. The implications of this study are expected to help investors consider factors that can affect the value of the company.
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