Sunny Dahye Personal Branding on SunnydahyeIn YouTube Channel
Personal Branding Sunny Dahye di Channel YouTube SunnydahyeIn
Personal Branding, Sunny Dahye, YouTubeAbstract
This study aims to find out how Sunny Dahye's personal branding through the SunnydahyeIn YouTube channel. approach the problem using the theory of eight personal branding concepts. The subject of this study is personal branding Sunny dahye with the object of research being the SunnydahyeIn YouTube channel uploaded in the last 1 year. Data were analyzed using the visual methodology proposed by Gillian Rose. In the Site of Self, discourse analysis is used to study visual objects. The results of this study show that Sunny Dahye has fulfilled eight laws of personal branding, but the most prominent are specialization, difference and leadership, apart from that Sunny Dahye's personal branding that he displays is a Korean girl who uses Indonesian as the language for conveying messages on her YouTube content. , and besides that he is also a cheerful, fashionable, up-to-date, cheerful person and likes all things beauty.
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