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Sentiment Analysis on Twitter about Domestic Violence Using Random Forest and Extreme Gradient Boosting Methods

Analisa Sentimen pada Twitter tentang Kekerasan dalam Rumah Tangga Menggunakan Metode Random Forest dan Extreme Gradient Boosting




Analysis Sentiment, KDRT, Random Forest, Twitter, XGBoost


Social media Twitter is one of the communication media that is in great demand by the public. Currently, the topic of domestic violence is being discussed by Twitter social media users. Users will provide comments and opinions about cases that were trending at the time, namely domestic violence via Twitter. In this study, researchers want to implement machine learning algorithms to perform sentiment analysis on Twitter users on the topic of domestic violence. After going through the text preprocessing stages, the researcher then used SMOTE for handling imbalanced data and TFIDF for word weighting. After that, classification was carried out using two machine learning algorithms, namely random forest and XGBoost. The results of this study obtained a train score of 94% and a test score of 76% for the Random Forest algorithm and a train score of 86% and a test score of 73% for XGBoost.


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