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Improving Employee Performance Through the Implementation of Innovation, Motivation, and Work Discipline at Employees of PT. Trans Retail Indonesia(Transmart Sidoarjo)

Meningkatkan Kinerja Karyawan melalui Penerapan Perilaku Kerja Inovasi, Motivasi, dan Disiplin Kerja pada Karyawan PT. Trans Retail Indonesia(Transmart Sidoarjo)




Work Behavior Innovation, Motivation, Work Discipline, Employee Performance


This study aims to determine how effective and influential the application through work behavior innovation, motivation, and work discipline to employees of PT. Trans Retail Indonesia (Transmart Sidoarjo). This study uses quantitative research by testing the hypothesis. The sample used in this study were 86 employees of PT. Trans Retail Indonesia (Transmart Sidoarjo). The data analysis technique used in this study is multiple linear regression analysis, coefficient of determination (R2), t test, F test, and classical assumption test using SPSS statistical software version 22.0. The main data in this study came from a questionnaire. The results of this study prove that innovative work behavior affects employee performance. Motivation affects employee performance. Work discipline affects employee performance. Thus it can be concluded that the work behavior of innovation, motivation, and work discipline simultaneously affect the performance of employees of PT. Trans Retail Indonesia (Transmart Sidoarjo).


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