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Effect of Duration and Temperature on Urea and Cratinine Serum Levels

Pengaruh Lama Waktu Penundaan dan Suhu terhadap Kadar Urea dan Kreatinin Serum




lenght of delay, temperature, serum, creatinin, urea


Parameters that are often used to detect impaired kidney function are creatinine, urea (BUN), and uric acid. A decrease in urea and creatinine levels can occur due to the influence of long storage times, delays and inappropriate temperatures, so that changes in protein concentrations can occur due to decreased protein which prevents peptide bonds and converts proteins into amino acids. Protein denaturation causes protein damage due to temperature and postponed examination, so that it can affect the results of examination of urea and creatinine levels. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of delay time and temperature on serum urea and creatinine levels


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