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Implementation of Rational Methods for Designing Automatic Printing Dryer

Implementation Metode Rational Guna Merancang Alat Pengering Sablon Otomatis




Screen Printing Dryer, Rational Method, Screen Printing


The production process is an important element that must be considered.UD Riski Agung is a business engaged in the convection sector. Every day UD. Riski Agung in the process of drying the screen printing results still uses a manual tool, namely a hair drayer. The use of a hair dryer in the screen printing drying process takes a long time and can cause work accidents. So it is necessary to design an automatic screen printing dryer which of course will speed up the drying time. In designing an automatic screen printing dryer using a rational method. The steps of the rational method are clarifying objectives, implementing functions, implementing requirements, determining characteristics, improving details. In this study that design of an automatic screen printing dryer can be a solution to exixting problems and can help dry screen printing results quickly and perfectly.


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