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Ladybydiana Marketing Communication Management in Building Brand Image

Manajemen Komunikasi Pemasaran Ladybydiana dalam Membangun Brand Image




Marketing Communication, Brand Image, Marketing Mix


Marketing Communication is a method of every company to promote products and services. Thus, it can be accepted by potential customers in various ways to build confidence and trust in the superiority of the products and services offered. Marketing communication does not only refer to how to create consumer interest but can build a brand image of the product. The research method used by the author is descriptive qualitative, with data collection techniques, namely through interviews, observation, and documentation. The data sources taken by the authors come from interviews with the CEO of Ladybydiana, and Marketing Communication, Finance, then corroborated by documentation and direct observation of the Ladybydiana company. The results of some of the data that have been collected are using the 7P marketing mix theory which is applied to PT. Diana Kreasi has 4 successful points in the 4P sales process, namely Product, People, Promotion, and Price.


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