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Eksplorisation of Historical Monuments Through Augmented Reality in Lamongan District

Eksplorisasi Monumen Bersejarah Melalui Augmented Reality di Kabupaten Lamongan




Monument, Augmented Reality, Multimedia Development Life Cycle (MDLC)


The use of information technology is a very effective way to provide information and education regarding historical monuments. This study aims to create an Augmented Reality application system that can visualize historical monuments in Lamongan Regency. The method used for application design is MDLC (Multimedia Development Life Cycle), and the tools used in the design include unity, vuforia, and blender. For interface design using figma and for markers using coreldraw. This application uses a cross-platform, namely trilib to be able to display 3-dimensional objects without using markers by inserting 3-dimensional object files. The test was carried out in two stages, namely functional testing, using the blackbox method with the results that all the buttons on the application run well. Then the next test uses software compatibility testing by testing different devices with the results that the application can run smoothly on different Android versions.


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