Increase in Growth and Yield on the Concentration of Ab Mix Nutrients With the Wick System Method on Two Types of Mustrad Greens
Peningkatan Pertumbuhan dan Hasil terhadap Konsentrasi Nutrisi Ab Mix dengan Metode Wick Sistem pada Dua Jenis Sawi
Nutrition, Mustard, Wick SystemAbstract
This research was conducted from June to July 2022 in the campus area of the joint lecture building of 6 Muhammadiyah University Campus 2 Sidoarjo. This study used a separate randomized design with three replications consisting of two factors studied, namely the type of mustard plant which consisted of 2 levels Caisim Plant, Pakcoy Plant. Nutrient concentration consisted of 3 levels, namely K1 (800 ppm), K2 (1600 ppm) and K3 (2400 ppm) with the observed variables were plant length, number of leaves, plant wet weight, plant dry weight and leaves. area. . The results of this study the treatment of mustard plant species did not show a significant effect on plant length parameters. Parameters of the number of plant leaves in T2 treatment with the highest number of 12 strands. There was no interaction from giving various concentrations of mixed AB solution to the growth and production of mustard plants.
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