Analysis of Elementary School Students' Difficulties in Solving Mixed Counting Operations of Numbers
Analisis Kesulitan Siswa Sekolah Dasar dalam Menyelesaikan Soal Operasi Hitung Campuran Bilangan Cacah
Difficulties, Mixed Operation, Elementary SchoolAbstract
This study aims to determine and analyze the difficulties of elementary school students in mathematics learning in solving mixed arithmetic operations of small numbers at SDN Gelam 2 Sidoarjo. The method in this research is qualitative with the type of case study. The technique of taking research subjects using purposive sampling by selecting nine subjects of grade IV elementary school students. Data collection techniques using tests and interviews. The results showed that students with low ability experienced concept difficulties in the form of not being able to solve problems according to the instructions. students with moderate ability experienced principle difficulties in the form of inaccuracy in calculations and could not solve problems in the problem. Students with high ability experienced verbal difficulties in the form of not being able to present illustrations of problems into mathematical models and draw conclusions from the results of their answers.
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