Visualization of Alternative Electrical Energy Learning Materials Using Augmented Reality-Based Windmills
Visualisasi Materi Pembelajaran Energi Listrik Alternatif Menggunakan Kincir Angin Berbasis Augmented Reality
Augmented Reality, Education, Windmill, VisualizationAbstract
Windmills are usually seen through pictures, videos or seeing directly, but there has been no introduction of windmills using a technology. By using Augmented reality, the introduction and education of an object will be more interesting and more interactive. The aim of this research is to create an augmented reality-based windmill visualization application called KinAR. In this study, windmill objects were created using Blender 3D and there will be 3 objects created, namely turbine windmills, Dutch windmills, and American windmills. From the results of the tests that have been carried out, it can be seen that the windmill visualization application successfully displays the mill object and all application systems can run as expected. The KinAR application can be used as an educational tool for the general public to become more familiar with windmills.
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