Benefits of Resistance Band Shoulder Exercise in Increasing Strength, Muscle Flexibility and Accuracy of Archery 15 Meters Distance in Archery UKM Members
Manfaat Resistance Band Shoulder Exercise dalam Meningkatkan Kekuatan, Fleksibilitas Otot dan Akurasi Memanah Jarak 15 Meter pada Anggota UKM Panahan
Archery, Flexibility, Strenght, Resistance band shoulder exerciseAbstract
This case study research aims to determine the benefits of shoulder resistance band exercise in increasing strength, muscle flexibility and accuracy in archery at a distance of 15 meters. The instrument uses a handgrip dynamometer test to measure arm muscle strength, a CET test to measure shoulder muscle flexibility and an archery score test at a distance of 15 meters. The research subjects are members of the Archery UKMData analysis technique using descriptive analysis. The result whowed that resistance band training for weeks was beneficial in increasing arm muscle strength with a dominnat hand value of 21.5 kg and 18 kg non-dominant hand, increased shoulder muscle flexibility obtained a value of 22.3 cm and an increase in archery accuracy score at a distance of 15 meters a total of 12 point. Suggestion: future researchers can increase the level of research to a higher level.
Keywords – Archery;Flexibility;Strenght;Resistance band shoulder exercise
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