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Rational Method to Design a Cutting Tempe

Desain Alat Pemotongan Tempe Menggunakan Metode Rasional




Tempe chips, Performance of Micro Small and Medium Enterprises, Rational Method


Tempe chips are the production processed products made from tempe; the market for this sale is all circles. Various
ages and groups can consume it because it is reasonably affordable. Tempe chips are light snacks made from
processed tempe that has gone tthrough several production processes. The production process carried out by business
actors depends on their respective capabilities, up to the standardization of the cuts reflected in who processes them
and from which Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). It is from the obstacles faced by SME business players. So
that the redesign that will be carried out in this study is to add attributes n ot found in previous studies, namely tools
that can produce tempe slices with low water content so that it will shorten the production process again and increase
the efficiency of production time, the research method used is the rational method. 


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