Service Optimization and Minimarket Queue System
Optimalisasi Layanan dan Sistem Antrian Minimarket
Service, Minimarket, Arena, Queue SystemAbstract
Minimarket is a retail service that sells various daily necessities. Based on the results of observations, minimarkets are crowded with visitors at certain hours. The purpose of this study is to determine the optimal number of cashiers in avoiding queues. The analysis method used is a single phase multi-channel queuing model. Based on the results of research in the existing conditions with the service of 2 cashiers, Waiting Time ranges from 0.92-4.50 minutes, Number Waiting ranges from 0.59-3.75 people, Utilization ranges from 36-63%, and Work In Process ranges from 2.97 -5.36 people. Based on the results of research using the Arena software simulation approach, it was found that the cashier service was added to 3 cashiers to make it more optimal with Waiting Time results ranging from 0.41 to 2.45 minutes, Number Waiting ranging from 0.18 to 1.22 people, Utilization ranging from 30-44%, and Work In Process around 2.05-3.37 people.
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