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Designing Instagram Feeds as Promotional Media in Realizing Yo Kedai's Brand Identity

Perancangan Feed Instagram sebagai Media Promosi dalam Mewujudkan Brand Identity Yo Kedai




Social Media, Feed Design, Promotional Media


This study discusses the design of the Instagram social media feed design as a promotional media for Yo Kedai. So the formulation of the problem is how the process of designing Instagram feeds is an alternative promotional media. The design objective can describe the process of designing the Instagram feed design as Yo Kedai's promotional media. This study uses qualitative research methods, through interviews and observation and data analysis using SWOT. The designs produced are not only feed content, but also logos, packaging labels, highlights, and business cards to support promotions. The visualization process uses Adobe Illustrator so that the final result of this design is made in the form of a Yo Kedai Instagram feed design visualization. Thus, the design of the feed design plays a very effective role in promoting products and realizing brand identity.


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