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The Effectiveness To Use Instagram Photograph In Bio Poem Strategy To Improve Students' Descriptive Text Writing Ability

Efektifitas Penggunaan Foto Instagram Dalam Strategi Bio Poem Untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Menulis Teks Deskriptif Siswa




Writing Ability, Descriptive Text, Instagram Photograph, Bio-Poem Strategy


Students have difficulty finding and developing their ideas in making descriptive texts. It is not enough just looking at photos or illustrations of favorite animals, people, or places as a media learning provided by the teacher. This study aimed to determine whether using instagram photograph in a bio poem strategy was significant for students' ability to write descriptive text. The researcher used pre-experimental method and one group pretest posttest design. The writer formulated the problems that would be addressed through quantitative research. The findings of this study indicated that the Instagram photograph in bio poem strategy was highly influential in teaching writing a descriptive text, as evidenced by a statistically higher post-test writing score (69,63) than pre-test (50). With an effect size of 1,51 this difference was highly significant.The study found that using Instagram photograph in bio poems improved students' descriptive writing.


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